How to Save money at the Pharmacy

6 Pharmacy Tips You Didn’t Know: How to Save Time & Money on Your Medications

1. Be Proactive with Refills

  • Always contact your pharmacy 4-6 days in advance to ensure medications are ready on time. This allows for any doctor or insurance delays to be sorted without stress.

2. Synchronize Your Medications

  • Ask your pharmacy about medication synchronization so all your prescriptions are ready on the same day each month. Fewer trips = more convenience!

3. Check for Cheaper Alternatives

  • Always ask your pharmacist if there’s a lower-cost generic or brand alternative for your medication. You could save up to 80% on some prescriptions.

4. Manage Your Prescription Profile

  • Keep track of refills and expiration dates. Avoid last-minute surprises by ensuring your medication is refilled before it runs out.

5. Use Your Pharmacist as a Health Resource

  • Pharmacists can offer quick advice on minor health concerns like pain or blood sugar issues, often saving you a doctor’s visit.

6. Watch for Cash Pricing Pitfalls

  • If paying out-of-pocket, always check websites like GoodRx for discounts. Pharmacies may inflate cash prices, but GoodRx can save you hundreds!