The essential supplements I take daily

I’m Kris, a pharmacist and biochemistry supplement expert, and I’m excited to share the supplements I take and the reasons behind my choices. Supplements play a huge role in my life, and I’ve been passionate about them for many years.

My goal today is to help you understand what I’ve learned over the last 10 to 15 years, so you can incorporate these benefits into your own life. As a biochemist, I quickly grasped how the body functions. The more I learned, the clearer it became how supplements fit into that picture.

The first thing I emphasize is the importance of third-party certifications. I only take supplements that are third-party certified because the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements like pharmaceuticals. This lack of regulation means that many products may not be made optimally, and there have been numerous cases of supplements containing undisclosed pharmaceuticals. For athletes, third-party certifications are crucial to ensure that products are free from banned substances.

My Go-To Supplements

  1. Probiotics:
    I always start with probiotics because the bacteria in our bodies outnumber our own cells significantly. These beneficial bacteria help with digestion, boost the immune system, and even support serotonin production. They play a vital role in colon health, especially for those who take antibiotics frequently. I recommend taking probiotics for 4 to 6 months after antibiotic use to replenish what’s lost.
  2. Multivitamins:
    I take a two a  Day by Thorne, one capsule twice a day. This approach allows me to minimize the amount I take at once while still getting the nutrients I need. I prefer to take my multivitamin 30 to 60 minutes after a meal to enhance absorption.
  3. Adaptogens:
    Adaptogens help me manage stress and fatigue while boosting my immune system. My favorite is a product called Memory Active, which contains ashwagandha and ginkgo. I’ve noticed a significant increase in my energy levels since I started taking it, without the jitters associated with caffeine.
  4. Vitamin C:
    I take 500 mg of vitamin C twice a day to support my immune system and collagen production. Vitamin C is essential for preventing scurvy and ensuring my body can produce connective tissues.
  5. Calcium and Magnesium:
    I take a Cal Mag supplement, which is crucial for muscle function and bone health. Magnesium also plays a role in melatonin production, helping regulate my sleep cycle. I usually take 2 to 3 capsules a day, which provides me with adequate vitamin D as well.
  6. Collagen:
    This supplement supports my connective tissues and collagen production. I’ve noticed that my hair and nails grow faster, and my skin looks healthier when I take it.
  7. Whey Protein:
    I incorporate whey protein into my routine because amino acids are the building blocks of life. This protein powder ensures I get all essential amino acids, which is especially important as I age and my absorption may decline.

By sharing my personal supplement regimen, I hope to empower you to make informed choices about your health. Remember, always prioritize third-party certified products to ensure safety and efficacy.